A: Welcome back! We missed you!
Okay, that's a little over the top. In our digital world, nobody misses anybody because we're all opinionating all the time. I understand what blog posts are supposed to be: spontaneous, timely, and interchangeable as Cheerios. If it's a different subject, politics or media or James Gandolfini (god bless him), I'm so bloggified I can't blog fast enough.
But friends, this is cancer. I don't want to say anything dumb or insensitive. I don't want to make it worse for anybody. Neither do I want to look backward, don't want to put us all through the blow-by-blow memoir of my treatment. I want to say something new. I want to build a community like we've never had and never imagined.
I mean, blogging is easy. Blogging something true and memorable that makes us feel better in the face of this life-sucking disease, that's a little harder.
They say "never apologize, never explain." But I just have to. I have to tell you I don't feel big enough to say anything that helps.
All I feel sure of is: Wherever you are, whatever stage of this roller coaster ride you're on, I wish you joy. I wish you a tomorrow that's better than today. I'm on your side and in your family. I didn't want to be family, of course. Nobody wants in this club. But cancer eventually made me understand that I'm so lucky to be here with all of you. That's why I say, Hey my people. Sometime-y as I am, I care.
Next post, we'll hear from Southern superblogger Emily Jones. She knows how to rock this topic.
Anybody else out there want to chime in?