Obamacare Lives and So Do We!

Hey my people, what a crazy day. Chief Justice John Roberts turns out to be the white knight who keeps us from dragging ourselves back to square one on this gargantuan problem of how to take care of our own in America. Thanks, Mr. Roberts.
We're not home on this by a long shot. The Affordable Care Act is a first step toward the unknown, an action after decades of paralysis. It ain't pretty, but it beats the heck out of nothing at all.
We cancer vets can argue convincingly that the ACA is a lifesaver. If stress makes us more vulnerable to cancer, then it follows that our old model of insurance coverage, based on denial of pre-existing conditions, is in itself a carcinogen. No more. At least not for this round of chemo. ACA is inelegant and imperfect. And for some of you-- maybe me too-- it'll be the cavalry that arrives in the nick of time.
Warmest regards, Anne